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Zac Wong

There are three simple yet some of the hardest things that life can build upon:
decisiveness, consistency, strength.

Zac Wong

Financial Consultant

Financial Consultant

Year Joined: 2016
Years of Experience: 5-10 years
Education: Degree in Biological Sciences
Previous Profession: Marketing Associate
Industry Certifications: AWP
Specialisation: Financial Planning
Hobbies: Windsurfing

Despite having studied Life Sciences, I did not envision myself to be working in a lab doing repetitive lab tests daily. I wanted more than what a corporate job could offer, a more fulfilling and holistic career where I can serve others and be a blessing to them. I was first introduced to the financial industry when I worked as a part-time personal assistant for a Senior FSC. It was then that I witnessed how proper financial planning can help others and prepare them for the future. I saw purpose in this career, and how it can impact lives. Hence, I became an FSC too! My greatest desire is to make a positive difference to everyone that I meet.

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There are three simple yet some of the hardest things that life can build upon:
decisiveness, consistency, strength.

Zac Wong
